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Personal Injury Claim

How Social Media Can Affect Your Personal Injury Claim

While we’re typically aware that we should be mindful of how we display ourselves on social media, one has to be extra careful when involved with a personal injury claim. In today's blog, we will be going over how social media can affect your personal injury claim and what you can do to prevent issues from arising.

fotex2022-08-31T11:01:58-07:00August 31, 2022|Personal Injury Claim|Comments Off on How Social Media Can Affect Your Personal Injury Claim

Do Pedestrians Always Have the Right-of-Way in the State of California?

The pedestrian laws you must follow in California are the rules that govern when and where people are allowed to walk in public legally. It’s important to know: do pedestrians always have the right-of-way in the state of California?

fotex2022-08-25T09:35:13-07:00August 25, 2022|Car Accidents, On the Road, Personal Injury Claim|Comments Off on Do Pedestrians Always Have the Right-of-Way in the State of California?
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