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Rideshare Accidents

Rideshare Accidents

The increased popularity of ridesharing apps has also led to an increase in ridesharing car accidents. Because services like Uber and Lyft have increased the number of vehicles on the road in California, they have also increased the likelihood that a rideshare passenger or driver will be involved in an accident.

The demand for immediate transportation is growing day by day, leading to more and more ridesharing cars on the road. More cars mean more chances of an accident taking place.

What Should I Do After a Rideshare Accident?

  • Call 9-1-1 – You should always contact the police after an accident. If you’ve sustained injuries, seek immediate medical attention.
  • Obtain Documentation – Make sure to obtain all of the driver’s information, license plates, and witness contact information. If possible, take pictures of the scene.
  • Medical Treatment– Whether you believe you’re injured or not, seek medical attention. Many times, injuries do not appear until later. Remember to seek attention right away as delaying can the court will scrutinize your delay in seeking care very closely.

Man Taking Photo Of Car Accident On Mobile Phone

If you’ve been injured, you may qualify for compensation for:

  • Your medical bills
  • Your lost wages
  • Your vehicle/property
  • Your pain and suffering

If you or a loved one were involved in a rideshare accident, call Bonnici Law Group today. We are committed to fighting for the rights of injured victims. Our knowledgeable and experienced team has helped countless clients recover the compensation they are entitled to. Contact us for a free consultation by calling (619) 259-5199 or clicking here.

Rideshare Accident
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