What are Material and Substantial Duties in a Long-Term Disability Insurance Claim?
When evaluating the eligibility of individuals for long-term disability benefits, [...]
Is Riding in a Group of Bicyclists Safer than Riding Alone?
Individuals may differ on the safety of riding a bicyclist [...]
ERISA Rights of Applicants Who Have Been Denied Long-Term Disability Benefits
When workers apply for long-term disability benefits under their employer-sponsored [...]
Does ERISA Still Apply if I Leave My Employer but Maintain the Long-Term Disability Policy?
Many long-term disability insurance policies and most of those covered [...]
Are There Time Limits on My Ability to Apply for Long-Term Disability Benefits?
All long-term disability insurance policies contain strict time limits on [...]
How Keeping Medical Logs Can Help Prove Your Long-Term Disability Claims
One of the most effective ways to proactively plan for [...]
How to Rate Your City’s Bikeability
Earlier this year, PeopleForBikes published its 2019 for the most [...]
Defining “Regular” or “Own Occupation” for the Purposes of ERISA Long-Term Disability Claims
Long-term disability insurance policies are designed to provide you with [...]
What Happens if a Plan Administrator Fails to Make a Decision on My Application for Benefits on Time?
The Employee Retirement Security Act of 1974 governs various aspects [...]