What are the Likely Long-Term Disability Insurance Coverage Issues you need to Understand?
Certain terms and conditions are typically present in most policies, even though long-term disability insurance policies differ in many respects. The exact wording in these terms may be different from policy to policy, but the concepts that are described by these coverage terms are frequently litigated issues in claims litigation.
What is the Process for Submitting a Long Term Disability Claim?
The procedures for claims submission procedures are explained in the summary plan description, the insurance policy, and other insurance plan documents. When looking for the specific claims submission procedure adopted by the employer, the claimant should consult these documents first.
Do I Need a Lawyer For Long Term Disability?
Filing for long term disability insurance can be a complicated and confusing process. Most applicants don’t know how to correctly fill out the necessary paperwork and submit all of the needed medical documentation. This is the main reason why over 65% of disability claims are originally denied.