If I Refuse to Undergo Doctor-Recommended Treatment, Will It Hurt My LTD Claim?
Proving that you are disabled and eligible for long-term disability [...]
What Does Long-Term Disability Insurance Cover?
The coverage that a long-term disability insurance policy offers depends [...]
If My Claim for LTD Benefits is Approved, Will I Automatically Receive Benefits for the Maximum Benefit Term?
Long-term disability benefits, unlike auto insurance or life insurance benefits, [...]
How Long Do I Have to File a Bicycle Accident Claim?
Every state has a different statute of limitations or a [...]
Long-Term Disability and Common Mental Disorders
When you consider medical conditions that might cause you to [...]
If I File a Claim for Long-Term Disability Benefits, Will the Insurance Company Contact My Friends and Family Members?
When you file a claim for long-term disability benefits, you [...]
What Happens if I Am Injured in a Bicycle Accident Caused by a Rideshare Driver?
Due to the rising popularity of rideshare services such as [...]
How Much Does My Treating Physician’s Opinion Matter in an LTD Claim?
You might think that your physician’s opinion about your medical [...]
How to File a Police Report Following a Bicycle Accident
Filing a police report following a bicycle accident can be [...]