When you are seeking long-term disability benefits, your claim may be more effective if you get proper medical treatment and follow your doctor’s recommendations. If you aren’t receiving medical treatment for your illness or injury, the insurance company may conclude that your medical condition is not as disabling as you state it is. They may assume that since you don’t need to get treatment, you must be doing fine without it.
The same potential pitfall applies when you fail to follow your doctor’s orders. The insurance company can conclude that your refusal to follow your doctor’s recommendations must mean that your condition is not as severe as you claim. In other words, failure to get appropriate medical care, take your medication, undergo physical therapy, or whatever else your doctor recommends can be fatal to your long-term disability claim.
The insurance company is more likely to find your claim for long-term disability benefits more credible if you see specialists. You also should try different forms of treatment and follow your doctor’s recommendations to improve your condition. These recommendations include using assistive devices, such as wheelchairs, walkers, or canes, taking a new type of medication, or getting counseling. If you follow the recommendations, you are likely to put yourself in a better position if you follow your treatment plan. When you have a long and extensive medical history of seeing various experts and exploring all options for treatment, you are more likely to be successful.
Your doctor’s recommendations can be particularly crucial if the recommended treatment would allow you to recover from your medical condition and perhaps return to work. For example, your doctor may recommend surgery that would increase your mobility significantly. However, if you don’t want to have the surgery, the insurance company could deny you benefits. Of course, you may be unable to afford the surgery. Your doctor’s opinion may be that surgery still will not improve your condition sufficiently for you to return to work. In other cases, the risks of the operation may be high as compared to potential improvement. As a result of these circumstances, your actions may not have adverse effects on your claim.
Bonnici Law Group has the experience and knowledge that you need as you seek compensation for your injuries and struggle to recover from them, both physically and emotionally. We know how to help you create and maintain a strong claim for relief supported by the evidence and obtain the best outcome possible in your case. Do not hesitate to contact Bonnici Law Group at 858-261-5454 or help@bonnicilawgroup.com.

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