Short-term disability policies, which individuals often rely on when they sustain an injury or develop an illness that makes them unable to work, can last for a varying amount of time. On average, these benefits last from 30 to 180 days. If you are approaching the maximum time for receiving short-term disability benefits and are still disabled and cannot return to work, you should immediately apply for long-term disability benefits.
Long-term disability insurance policies typically require that you apply for benefits within a certain number of days from your disability onset date, or the date you became disabled. Failing to do so can result in the insurance company denying your claim for benefits altogether. You will need to make sure to apply for not only LTD benefits, but also any other documents and information that your insurance company requires.
Applying for LTD benefits in a timely fashion is particularly important because most LTD policies have an elimination period. Individuals who qualify for LTD benefits will not receive benefits until this applicable waiting or qualifying period has expired, which can be as much as 90 to 120 days after the date that they have become disabled. In many cases, however, your short-term disability benefits will fill the gap between the onset of your disability and the date your LTD benefits commence.
Since your insurance company is likely to require that you apply for Social Security Disability benefits when you apply for LTD benefits, you should go ahead and apply for those benefits. Qualifying for Social Security Disability benefits can take a substantial amount of time, so you should take care of this requirement when you apply for LTD benefits. This step will help ensure that you comply with all of your insurance company’s requirements for receiving LTD benefits.
Bonnici Law Group has handled the claims of countless individuals who have encountered difficulties in procuring long-term disability benefits under their employers’ ERISA-governed insurance policies. We will protect your rights and advocate on your behalf throughout every stage of the claims process. Call our office at 858-261-5454 to set up an appointment to speak with us today.
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