An accident that causes severe injuries may make you eligible to draw long-term disability benefits in some cases. However, various medical conditions also may qualify you for benefits, depending on their severity and duration. How your LTD policy defines disability also can impact whether you are eligible for benefits.
In general, long-term disabilities are expected to last one year or more or result in death. They also must significantly affect your ability to perform one or more essential functions of your job. As a result, the nature of your disability and the nature of your job both impact whether you are eligible for long-term disability benefits. For instance, if you have always worked jobs that involve manual labor, but you lose your leg to infection, then it would be extraordinarily difficult for you to do any other type of job.
Many different types of diseases and medical conditions may qualify you for LTD benefits, depending on your circumstances. Various forms of cancer that require surgery and significant treatment courses, such as chemotherapy and radiation, may qualify you for LTD benefits. Other chronic diseases such as Crohn’s Disease, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, other autoimmune diseases, and multiple sclerosis may also make you eligible for benefits.
Mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, anxiety, and depression, as well as substance abuse disorders, also may qualify you for LTD benefits. Still, their severity can be more challenging to prove. Additionally, many LTD policies place limits on the amount of time you can receive benefits for these conditions, such as cutting off benefits after receiving them for mental/nervous conditions for 24 months.
It can benefit you greatly to get legal advice about the most effective means of building and maintaining the most successful ERISA long-term disability claim possible. Bonnici Law Group provides skilled, aggressive legal representation regularly for individuals seeking long-term disability benefits under insurance policies governed by ERISA. Our priority is to represent your interests and protect your rights to the benefits that you deserve. Call us at 858-261-5454 and schedule an appointment to meet with us about your case today.

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