A person riding a bicycle on California roadways has the same responsibility to exercise due care for the safety of others as the drivers of motor vehicles, as per Cal. Veh. Code § 21200. As a result, bicyclists must obey all traffic signs and signals and ride on the right-hand side of the road, with traffic. In fact, when traveling at a speed slower than traffic, §21201 provides that cyclists should ride as close to the right curb of the roadway as possible, except when making left-hand turns, passing, avoiding a hazardous condition in the roadway, the lane is too narrow to share with a vehicle, or approaching a place where they can turn right. However, if a road is one-way only and has two or more marked traffic lanes, a bicyclist may ride as near as possible to the left-hand curb of the road.
If a bike lane is available, § 21208 requires bicyclists who are moving slower than traffic use it, except in the following situations:
· Overtaking another bicyclist or pedestrian traveling in the bike lane
· Preparing to make a left turn at an intersection or driveway
· Avoiding a hazardous condition, such as road debris
In the event that the bicyclist must leave the bike lane for one of the reasons listed above, then he or she should wait until it is safe to leave the lane and hand signal to vehicles in order to warn them of the upcoming deviation from the bike lane.
Similar to requiring the usage of turn signals on motor vehicles, California law under § 22111 requires that all cyclists use appropriate hand signals whenever possible to warn other cyclists and drivers of certain actions, such as turning left or right or suddenly slowing down.
Additionally, bicyclists are prohibited from riding while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs under § 21200.5. This law is meant not only to protect bicyclists themselves, but also other drivers, vehicle occupants, and pedestrians who may be in the roadway.
Bonnici Law Group has the experience, knowledge and reputation that you want and need in handling your unique bicycle injury case. We are here to help you build the strongest case possible and obtain the best outcome possible for your case. Do not hesitate to contact Bonnici Law Group at 858-261-5454 or help@bonnicilawgroup.com.

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