A return to work incentive or work incentive benefit is a common provision in many long-term disability plans. If you are in the process of recovering from a disabling condition and your doctor approves, your disability plan may permit you to return to work while still receiving long-term disability benefits. Although the terms of these provisions vary, most provisions will define a certain period of time during which you can work and receive long-term disability benefits, such as 24 months. After that time has expired, you no longer will be able to both draw disability benefits and work.
Some plans may automatically deduct any employment income that you earn while receiving disability benefits from the amount of benefits that you are receiving. Other provisions may allow you to receive both disability benefits and earned income up to 100% of the wages or salary that you were earning prior to becoming disabled. After a certain amount of time has passed, then you either may only be able to draw a certain amount of disability benefits, such as 50% of your monthly benefit less any employment income, or you may no longer be able to draw long-term disability benefits at all. Again, these provisions vary widely according to your plan provisions.
If your long-term disability plan contains a return to work incentive of which you may be able to take advantage, you should be sure to fully understand any limitations on your income and disability benefits, as well as limits on how long you can work while still receiving some or all of your disability benefits. Educating yourself about these provisions can avoid unanticipated consequences should you be able to return to work on a part or full-time basis while you continue to recover from your disabling condition.
When you are facing an issue that is as important as long-term disability benefits, the attorneys at Bonnici Law Group have the skills and knowledge to help you build the appeal that is most likely to be successful. We know how crucial this support can be to you when you unable to work and we are here to represent your interests throughout any dealings that you must have with your insurance company. For legal advice about your claim, please contact Bonnici Law Group at 858-261-5454 or help@bonnicilawgroup.com.

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