The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed opportunities for exercise and recreation. Many gyms and fitness facilities are being closed or restricted by state and local mandates. Many people have turned to the outdoors for a safer and more solitary way to get exercise. One such option is bicycling, which has risen in popularity as the pandemic has waged on with no end in sight. This sudden interest in bicycling has led to a shortage of bicyclists and repair services in California and other places throughout the nation.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended that you wear a mask or face covering when you cannot socially distance from other people. Some states, counties, and municipalities also have enacted mask mandates, which require masks in specific locations or situations.
Some state and local governments do not require people to wear masks when participating in strenuous physical exercise. Others do not require masks when people are outdoors and able to distance themselves from others. The question then becomes whether you should wear a mask while bicycling. While there is no right or wrong answer, bicyclists may want to consider wearing a mask in some situations.
For instance, if you are riding in good weather on a bike trail in a crowded area, such as a busy park, you might consider wearing a mask. Likewise, if you are cycling with a large group of people, you often might ride closer than six feet from another cyclist, wearing a mask may be advisable.
As questions remain about how far the virus particles can travel between people and whether strenuous exercise causes you to breathe harder, thus heightening the risk of viral transmission. These questions, to which there are no concrete answers, may cause you to take extra precautions to protect yourself and others in these situations. Cyclists also might take other safety precautions besides wearing masks, such as bicycling solo or only with people who live with you, cycling in remote areas where not many people are present, or training on a bicycle at home and indoors.
Bonnici Law Group has the experience, knowledge, and reputation you want and need when injured in a bike accident. We are here to help you build the most substantial claim possible for compensation and obtain a positive outcome in your case. Do not hesitate to contact Bonnici Law Group at 858-261-5454 or
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