A study by University California (UC) San Francisco has documented the steadily rising costs of medical treatment for individuals who have been injured in bicycle accidents. According to the study, there were 3.8 million non-fatal injuries to adults from bicycle accidents in the U.S. from 1997 to 2013. There also were over 9,800 bicyclist fatalities during the same time period. The total costs for those injuries and deaths were approximately $237 billion.
The costs in 2013 were the highest of any other year, totaling over $24.4 million, which shows the drastic increase in the medical costs related to these accidents over this 17-year period. Annual costs resulting from bike accidents during the study period increased by 137 percent for non-fatal injuries and 23 percent for fatal injuries. Some of the costs that the researchers considered were expenses related to hospital admissions and readmissions, nursing home stays, emergency transportation, emergency room visits, lost income, lost productivity, and lost quality of life.
The study results also show that bicycle accidents involving motor vehicles has increased dramatically, thus causing more severe injuries. Historically, bicycle accidents were non-street accidents, such as falls rather than collisions. Likewise, hospital admissions due to bike crashes have increased 120 percent in the U.S. over the last 15 years.
Researchers concluded that the sharp rise in costs may be attributable to a variety of different factors, including an increase in older Americans riding bicycles for pleasure, a rise in using bicycles for commuting, changes in motor vehicle traffic, and changes in vehicle design. One researcher also noted that it might be possible to prevent many bicycle accidents by making safer roads through safer cycling infrastructure.
Bonnici Law Group has the experience and knowledge that you need as you seek compensation for your injuries and struggle to recover from them, both physically and emotionally. We know how to help you create and maintain a strong claim for relief supported by the evidence and obtain the best outcome possible in your case. Do not hesitate to contact Bonnici Law Group at 858-261-5454 or help@bonnicilawgroup.com.
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