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Long-Term Disability and Common Mental Disorders

Long-Term Disability and Common Mental Disorders

When you consider medical conditions that might cause you to file a claim for long-term disability benefits, you initially might think of major physical illnesses such as cancer, or injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents. However, various mental health conditions also may necessitate applying for long-term disability benefits in many cases. These conditions are far from rare, with the National Alliance on Mental Illness stating that as many as one in five American adults experienced mental illness in 2018, which amounts to 47.6 million people. As a result, mental health conditions are one of the most common reasons for long-term disability claims. These conditions can include everything from severe depressive episodes to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Most long-term disability insurance policies contain significant limitations on coverage for mental health conditions. In many cases, the policies place time limitations on the benefits that individuals can receive for these conditions, such as 24 months or even less. If individuals receive long-term disability benefits for a mental condition then, they may face termination of their coverage after two years, whether their mental health conditions have improved to the point where they can return to work or not.

Fortunately for long-term disability claimants in the state of California, state law prohibits discretionary provisions in these insurance policies. Discretionary provisions are those that give the insurance company the discretion to determine whether claimants are eligible for benefits or interpret the terms of the policy. If a specific policy does not clearly define mental illness limitations, for instance, thus leaving the provision’s interpretation up to the discretion of the insurance company, then the provision is unenforceable and void under California law. This law can be extremely helpful in combatting the denial of long-term disability insurance benefits for individuals who are suffering from disability due to mental illness.

Obtaining long-term disability coverage can be essential to protecting your future. When you initiate a claim under this coverage, however, you need to be aware of your rights and responsibilities, which may necessitate the assistance of legal counsel. At Bonnici Law Group, we offer you client-centered representation at all stages of the long-term disability benefit claims process. When you need the kind of help that only an experienced long-term disability benefits attorney can offer you, contact Bonnici Law Group at 858-261-5454 or

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