According to a Bicycling newsletter published earlier this year, the city of Los Angeles intends to honor cyclists killed in crashes on city streets with permanent memorial signs. Traditionally, loved ones and friends of the fallen bicyclists would stage impromptu makeshift memorials, usually complete with a “ghost bike” or a bike painted all white. In many cases, while heartfelt, these memorials often were placed on public or private property without authority. While city officials will continue to allow “ghost bikes” as temporary memorials to deceased cyclists, they will install the permanent signs at the request of the victim’s family.
The permanent memorials will take the form of a street sign that states the name of the cyclist, as well as traffic safety personal safety announcements. By installing these markers, the city’s overarching goal is to eliminate traffic deaths by 2025. The city’s Transportation Department will fund, build, and maintain the signs as needed. Some of the planned PSAs include “Don’t Text and Drive” and “Watch Your Speed,” among others. Along with the signs, city officials also plan to take continuing measures to install bike lanes, improve infrastructure, and generally make city streets safer.
Since 2003, more than 160 cyclists have died in traffic accidents on the streets of Los Angeles. Twenty-one individuals died in bicycle crashes last year. Bicycling dubbed Los Angeles as America’s “worst bike city” due to the high number of cyclist deaths. The Los Angeles Bicycle Coalition expressed its support of the memorial sign project. Nonetheless, advocates agree that far more work needs to occur to make city streets safer for bicyclists in general.
If you have suffered injuries while riding a bicycle, you may greatly benefit from calling us today and getting the advice that you need. Bonnici Law Group has the experience and knowledge that is invaluable when making a claim for compensation following a bicycle accident. When you need answers, contact Bonnici Law Group today at 858-261-5454. As we focus our efforts on bike-related personal injury cases, we know how to protect your rights and build a strong claim for compensation in your case.
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