Proving that you are disabled and eligible for long-term disability benefits is not always as easy as you might assume. You typically must provide medical records related to your treatment, as well as statements by your treating physicians about your medical condition. You may have to undergo an examination by a doctor hired by the insurance company. As a result, receiving medical treatment consistently for a disability can be crucial to a successful LTD claim.
Furthermore, most long-term disability insurance policies require individuals to continue regularly receiving treatment for their conditions even after they qualify for benefits. Failing to undergo treatment as recommended by your physician cannot only hurt your potential recovery, but it also may disqualify you for benefits. For instance, if you stop going to the doctor or refuse to participate in physical therapy as recommended by your doctor, then the insurance company may assume that you no longer need medical care for your condition and can return to work. You are likely to find it difficult to argue that you are disabled and unable to work when you have no recent medical evidence to back up your claim. If the insurer determines that you are well enough to return to work, then you will lose your LTD benefits.
Furthermore, at most insurance companies, claims examiners regularly examine claims to determine if the claimants are still entitled to receive benefits. This process may occur monthly in many cases. As a result, the disability insurance company may consistently request updated medical information from you and your treating physicians. If there is no evidence that you are receiving any medical treatment or your medical records reveal that you are not cooperating with medical advice, the claims examiner may have adequate grounds to deny you further benefits.
It can benefit you greatly to get legal advice about the most effective means of building and maintaining the most successful ERISA long-term disability claim possible. Bonnici Law Group provides skilled, aggressive legal representation regularly for individuals who are seeking long-term disability benefits under insurance policies governed by ERISA. Our priority is to represent your interests and protect your rights to the benefits that you deserve. Call us at 858-261-5454 and schedule an appointment to meet with us about your case today.
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