Filing a police report following a bicycle accident can be crucial to your ability to document evidence about how the crash occurred. Not only will your insurance company need a copy of the crash report, but you also will need it if you have a personal injury or property damage claim arising out of the accident.
While your priority following a bicycle accident always should be to take care of your immediate medical needs, there are some steps that you can take to ensure the accuracy of the police report. Many times, you have to report injuries from an accident for a police officer to respond and make a report. Even if you have no visible injuries, cyclists often feel injuries shortly after accidents, so reporting possible injuries can be important. If you can do so following an accident, you should gather some basic evidence for the police officer who responds to the scene. For instance, you should ask the driver of the vehicle to remain at the scene of the accident until the police arrives. If the driver is unwilling to remain at the scene, you should collect as much information about the driver and his or her vehicle as you can gather on your own, we suggest using your cell phone is handy to take pictures of important information. These items of information may include the name of the driver and a physical description, a description of the vehicle, and the license plate number of the vehicle, the position of the vehicle involved, and the location the accident occurred.
On the other hand, if the driver is cooperative and willing to remain at the scene, you should ask for the following information:
- Name, phone number, and address
- Date of birth
- Insurance company name and policy number
- Vehicle registration information, including the license plate number
You can ask the driver to see his or her driver’s license to verify some or all of this information. You also should talk to any witnesses to the crash and get their contact information in case it later becomes necessary to contact them. If you are able to take photos of the crash scene with your phone, you should try to do so before the vehicle or vehicles move from their original positions at the time of the accident.
Bonnici Law Group has the experience and knowledge that you need when you are seeking compensation following injuries sustained in a bicycle accident. We know how to help you create and maintain a strong claim for compensation based on the evidence and obtain the best outcome possible in your case. Do not hesitate to contact Bonnici Law Group at 858-261-5454 or
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