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Long-Term Disability

Records to Help with Your Long-term Disability Application

One responsibility that insurance companies have during the application and denial process for benefits is to give you all the necessary information in the administrative record for your case so that you can look at everything they are looking at when making their decision.

fotex2022-06-10T10:46:16-07:00June 10, 2022|Long-Term Disability, Vlog|Comments Off on Records to Help with Your Long-term Disability Application

How to Get Mental Illness Disability Insurance

At Bonnici Law Group, we receive many calls regarding mental illness claims. Whether it's for anxiety, depression, or some other mental illness, many of those claims are presented for benefits. There are a lot of details within these policies that you have to know before you apply.

fotex2022-06-10T10:02:15-07:00June 10, 2022|Long-Term Disability, Vlog|Comments Off on How to Get Mental Illness Disability Insurance

Do Bicycle Accident Settlements Cover Medical Expenses?

One of the most common questions injured cyclists ask is: do bicycle accident settlements cover medical treatment? The short answer is yes. This blog will go over everything you need to know to get accident settlements to cover your medical care.

fotex2022-07-25T10:50:37-07:00June 1, 2022|Long-Term Disability|Comments Off on Do Bicycle Accident Settlements Cover Medical Expenses?

What are the Basic Terms Used in Long Term Disability Language?

Making sense of what you’re reading is vital in helping you increase the success rate of your disability claim. That’s why in today’s blog, we decided to put together a list of the top basic terms used in long term disability language.

fotex2022-06-01T15:18:53-07:00May 9, 2022|Long-Term Disability|Comments Off on What are the Basic Terms Used in Long Term Disability Language?

Why was my LTD Denied When I’m Already Receiving Social Security Disability Benefits?

While a disability claim approved by the Social Security Administration (SSA) does not automatically mean your Long-Term Disability (LTD) claim will also be approved, it is very concerning when one’s LTD claim is denied in light of an SSDI approval.

fotex2022-04-22T11:38:59-07:00April 22, 2022|Long-Term Disability|Comments Off on Why was my LTD Denied When I’m Already Receiving Social Security Disability Benefits?

Is There a Conflict of Interest with Your Long Term Disability Denial? 

Long-term disability denials happen all too frequently. But if it happens to you, be aware of your right to appeal and your right to a neutral decision from the LTD Plan administrator

fotex2022-04-22T11:36:18-07:00April 22, 2022|Long-Term Disability|Comments Off on Is There a Conflict of Interest with Your Long Term Disability Denial? 

What Is an Elimination Period for Long-Term Disability Insurance?

Long-term disability insurance can be a complex subject. It is recommended to educate yourself and to make sure you fully understand what is included in order to get the most out of your coverage. When researching long-term disability topics, many terms come up over and over again. One of these phrases is the elimination period. 

fotex2022-04-18T16:08:59-07:00April 18, 2022|Long-Term Disability|Comments Off on What Is an Elimination Period for Long-Term Disability Insurance?

What are the Likely Long-Term Disability Insurance Coverage Issues you need to Understand?

Certain terms and conditions are typically present in most policies, even though long-term disability insurance policies differ in many respects. The exact wording in these terms may be different from policy to policy, but the concepts that are described by these coverage terms are frequently litigated issues in claims litigation.

fotex2022-04-04T14:03:44-07:00April 4, 2022|Long-Term Disability|Comments Off on What are the Likely Long-Term Disability Insurance Coverage Issues you need to Understand?
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