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Car Accidents

The Importance of Properly Restraining Your Children in the Car

Did you know that around 43% of children that die from car accidents aren't properly restrained? This blog will go over the importance of properly restraining your children in the car before driving.

fotex2021-10-27T16:48:37-07:00October 27, 2021|Car Accidents, On the Road, Personal Injury Claim|Comments Off on The Importance of Properly Restraining Your Children in the Car

What Are My Rights as an Injured Passenger in a Car Accident?

Passengers who better understand their rights and the personal injury process are more likely to obtain better settlement results. This blog will go over the rights you have as a passenger and what factors play into the situation.

fotex2021-09-27T15:43:44-07:00September 27, 2021|Car Accidents|Comments Off on What Are My Rights as an Injured Passenger in a Car Accident?

What is the Car Accident Statute of Limitations in California?

Car accidents can be overwhelming, and taking legal action right away isn’t always possible. However, there is a time limit as to when you can file a lawsuit!! This blog will cover what the car accident statute of limitations in California is and the rationale behind it.

fotex2021-08-30T16:40:03-07:00August 30, 2021|Car Accidents|Comments Off on What is the Car Accident Statute of Limitations in California?

Can a Lawyer Get Camera Footage of a Car Crash?

You always see it in movies; the perp is arrested, or the final piece of evidence comes to light when the protagonist notices the almost hidden video camera that perfectly captured the crime. While it makes for an exciting plot twist, you may wonder how realistic this scenario is.

fotex2021-05-01T11:13:38-07:00April 30, 2021|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Can a Lawyer Get Camera Footage of a Car Crash?

Do Car Accident Settlements Cover Chiropractic Treatment?

When a car accident takes place, no matter whether it’s a serious collision or a minor fender-bender, people end up with some form of injury. The most common car accident injuries in California include spine, neck, and soft muscle injuries. Chiropractic care can be really beneficial in helping people recuperate from the ongoing pain from their injuries. One of the most common questions California drivers ask is: do car accident settlements cover chiropractic treatment? The short answer is yes. This blog will go over everything you need to know to get car accident settlements to cover your chiropractic care.

fotex2021-02-22T09:29:39-08:00February 15, 2021|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Do Car Accident Settlements Cover Chiropractic Treatment?

How to Prepare Your Car for the Rainy Season to Prevent Car Accidents

The start of a new year is here, along with the rainy season. These rainy months are the time of the year where most car accidents take place. Many different factors add to the causes of these accidents. This blog will go over how to prepare your car for the rainy season to prevent car accidents during this wet season.

fotex2021-01-11T11:08:56-08:00January 4, 2021|Car Accidents, Personal Injury Claim|Comments Off on How to Prepare Your Car for the Rainy Season to Prevent Car Accidents
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