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Can I Get LTD Benefits for Depression or Anxiety?

Can I Get LTD Benefits for Depression or Anxiety?

Depression and anxiety are mental conditions that are often quite debilitating, yet the denial rate in getting long-term disability benefits for these conditions is usually high. In many cases, it may reflect the lack of concrete medical evidence to support the claim for disability benefits and a lack of information about how these conditions truly impact the ability to work.

First, you should demonstrate that you are receiving regular care and treatment from an appropriate medical professional. In many cases, this includes both a therapist or counselor and a psychiatrist or doctor who can prescribe medications. As most individuals with depression and anxiety are treated with medication, their doctors should carefully monitor them for any improvement or worsening in symptoms.

You also should take care to keep all appointments with your healthcare providers as scheduled. Compliance with treatment can be challenging for people who suffer from depression and anxiety, but any noncompliance also can adversely affect your LTD benefits claim. If the insurance company sees that you have repeatedly canceled appointments or not actively participated in your treatment plan, they may be less likely to award you long-term disability benefits. They also may assume that you are not interested in stabilizing your condition or returning to work.

Finally, you should make sure that your healthcare providers are offering you the proper standard of care.
One way to measure this standard is by the scope of treatment that your providers recommend. For instance, if your current treatment plan is not sufficient, and your symptoms seem to be worsening, your healthcare providers should be exploring other options and alternative treatment plans. If your doctors are unwilling to deviate from the treatment plan or consider new forms of treatment, you may wish to get a second opinion from a professional who handles patients with these conditions.

Obtaining long-term disability coverage can be essential to protecting your future. When you initiate a claim under this coverage, however, you need to be aware of your rights and responsibilities, which may necessitate legal counsel. At Bonnici Law Group, we offer you client-centered representation at all stages of the long-term disability benefit claims process. When you need the kind of help that only an experienced long-term disability benefits attorney can offer you, contact Bonnici Law Group at 858-261-5454 or

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