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At-Fault Driver Insurance

At-Fault Driver Insurance

We often hear from potential clients who have questions about dealing with the at-fault driver’s insurance.

One thing to remember is that the at-fault driver’s insurance isn’t your friend. They are trying to collect information so that they can rule on the case and try to make decisions that will make them money. If a client has opened a case or is dealing with that insurance company before hiring an attorney, it’s best to keep things short and sweet. They will be asked for a recorded statement where they should stick to the truth and simplicity.

If clients are debating whether to hire an attorney, we suggest waiting to give a recorded statement and letting the attorney’s office take care of that to control the narrative.

When the at-fault driver’s insurance gives a potential client a settlement number, remember that they are always negotiable and that the first offer is not always the best. You should talk to an attorney about settlement numbers to make sure that everything is considered, that it is the right timing to resolve a case, and other things.

If you want to talk to an attorney before submitting a recorded statement to the at-fault driver’s insurance, call Bonnici Law Group. Contact us today at (619) 259-5199 or click here for more information!

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At Fault Driver Insurance
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