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Arkansas Second State in Nation to Pass “Idaho Stop” Law

Arkansas Second State in Nation to Pass “Idaho Stop” Law

The Idaho Stop is a bicycle rule or law named for the state that first legalized it in 1982. The law allows bicyclists to treat stop signs as “yield” signs and red lights as stop signs. Following the passage of this law in Idaho, bicyclist injuries dropped by an impressive 14%. According to safety experts, the legislation promotes the use of side streets and lessens the amount of time that bicyclists are exposed to dangerous conditions at intersections, which is where most bicycle injuries tend to occur. The tourism industry also has embraced the Idaho Stop, which allows it to market the state as bicycle-friendly.

Arkansas recently became the second state to pass this legislation. Delaware approved a variation on the Idaho Stop in 2017, which allows bicyclists to yield rather than stop at stop signs. Although other states and municipalities, including San Francisco and Portland, have considered similar laws, neither city ultimately enacted the legislation.

In 2018, the state of California considered legislation that would have allowed cyclists to treat stop signs as yield signs. However, the sponsors of the bills pulled it in response to opposition. The insurance industry remained opposed to the bill, as did the California Teamsters and AAA. According to these entities, implementation of the bill would be unsafe, unpredictable, and more detrimental to everyone on the road. Even a pilot program, which would have provided essential safety data, failed to sway the minds of detractors. Instead, critics stated that having different rules and laws across various jurisdictions would be confusing and lead to more accidents.

Bonnici Law Group has the experience, knowledge, and reputation that you want and need when you are injured in a bike accident. We are here to help you build the most substantial claim possible for compensation and obtain a positive outcome in your case. Do not hesitate to contact Bonnici Law Group at 858-261-5454 or

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