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What is the Difference Between a Restriction and a Limitation for the Purposes of Long-Term Disability Benefits?

What is the Difference Between a Restriction and a Limitation for the Purposes of Long-Term Disability Benefits?

Both restrictions and limitations generally refer to the impact of a medical condition or diagnosis on your ability to perform certain tasks or activities that are necessary for you to work. However, there are differences between the two and how they each affect your claim for long-term disability benefits.

When a doctor places a restriction on you due to a medical condition, you simply cannot perform that activity or task. You cannot complete the activity because a symptom resulting from your medical condition, such as pain, prevents you from doing so. These activities can be physical, such as lifting, sitting, standing, or walking, or mental, such as concentrating or focusing on completing paperwork or entering data into a computer. For instance, a broken ankle might prevent you from walking or putting any weight on the broken bone. A concussion or traumatic brain injury might prevent you from filling out forms or working on a computer altogether. Restrictions often are temporary, but they also can be permanent, such as in the case of paralysis due to a spinal cord injury; as a result of this injury, you would be restricted from walking.

Limitations, on the other hand, do not prevent you from performing an activity. Limitations simply dictate how you perform the activity or how long you can perform it. For instance, you might be able to lift ten pounds without pain or swelling. You are not restricted from lifting, but you are limited to lifting ten pounds or less. Other examples of limitations might include standing for only 15 minutes before taking a break, using a computer for a total for one out of every 12 hours, or walking continuously only for up to 25 minutes at a time. Restrictions and limitations both play a part in your insurer determining whether you are entitled to LTD benefits. Bonnici Law Group has handled the claims of countless individuals who have encountered difficulties in procuring long-term disability benefits under their employers’ ERISA-governed insurance policies. We will protect your rights and advocate on your behalf throughout every stage of the claims process. Call our office at 858-261-5454 to set up an appointment to speak with us today.

1704, 2024

Navigating Long-Term Disability ERISA Denials: What to Expect with Bonnici Law Group

April 17, 2024|Categories: Law, Long-Term Disability, Vlog|Tags: |

Long-term disability can be a crucial support system for individuals facing significant challenges due to health issues or injuries. However, not everyone may be aware of the signs that indicate they could be a good candidate for long-term disability benefits.

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