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What is a Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)?

What is a Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)?

A functional capacity evaluation (FCE) is a set of tests that measure an individual’s physical ability to function in different areas. Disability claims administrators often use FCEs to determine the impact of symptoms from injury or illness on the ability to perform certain essential work functions. In other words, FCEs can help determine whether you are entitled to long-term disability benefits under an ERISA-governed benefits plan.

FCEs are geared toward individuals with physical conditions that restrict their movement, rather than mental or cognitive impairments. During an FCE, a medical professional, such as an occupational therapist or a doctor, can gather information about individuals’ limitations in terms of different movements, muscle strength, balance, numbness and tingling, dexterity, fatigue, and pain.  Some evaluators conduct an FCE during a single day, but others perform the FCE over a period of two days. However, the examination often lasts an entire day, or at least several hours.

The point of an FCE is to evaluate your ability to sustain normal physical movement over time, which can inform insurers about whether your physical limitations prevent you from working a normal, full-day work schedule at your job. Some of the tests may require you to lift, carry, sit, stand, walk, perform certain movements, use machines, use tools, and maintain balance, among others. If you become too tired to perform a test, if you need extra breaks, or if you are unable to finish a task, you should immediately tell the evaluator and wait for further instructions.

Aside from the physical portions of the examination, the evaluator normally will ask you detailed information about your disabling condition, physical symptoms, and limitations. It is important to be completely honest and upfront about your symptoms and daily life activities, so that the evaluator gets a clear and accurate picture of how your medical conditions impact your life on a daily basis.

Bonnici Law Group provides client-focused representation throughout the ERISA claims process. We are here to consider the evidence in support of your ERISA long-term disability claim, evaluate your claim, and develop the strongest and most effective strategy for fighting any denials of coverage that you may receive. Allow us to handle your legal needs while you focus on your physical and emotional health. Contact the ERISA long-term disability attorneys of Bonnici Law Group at 858-261-5454 or

1704, 2024

Navigating Long-Term Disability ERISA Denials: What to Expect with Bonnici Law Group

April 17, 2024|Categories: Law, Long-Term Disability, Vlog|Tags: |

Long-term disability can be a crucial support system for individuals facing significant challenges due to health issues or injuries. However, not everyone may be aware of the signs that indicate they could be a good candidate for long-term disability benefits.

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